Thursday, January 31, 2008

BLOGWATCH: Women's hysteria! Look to The Gays! Lesbos on Twenty-Five Euros a Day!

Thursday, cigarette #4

1. From a man who no longer breathes fire, a small tribute to cigarettes.

2. Wimpy goes ghetto in Bed-Stuy: "The Tasmanian Devil wearing a hoodie? Yawn. Marvin the Martian wearing gold chains? Stupid. But have I seen a sleeveless Wimpy preparing to administer a category five beat down (presumably because someone would not let him pay Tuesday for a hamburger today) on a t-shirt? No I have not."

3. "Then again, identity politics isn't postmodern, though maybe female hysteria used for political ends is..."

4. I would like to register my disappointment that this lecture is not actually called "Finding the Lesbian State." Whoever did the weirdly misleading typesetting on their flyers should be fired. Or promoted.

5. Speaking of bad ads: NEVER SHAKE A BABY. From the blog that brought you "Our fembot is hot, but can we get 'gay' into a headline somehow? Everybody looks to The Gays to see what they're drinking."

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