Sunday, November 25, 2007

Cigarette #1: Big wheel keep on turning

At home on the porch

Number One today is in celebration of the feast of St. Catherine of Alexandria!

I prayed in her honor:
St. Catherine, St. Catherine, lend me thine aid,
And grant that I never may die an old maid.
And donned a goofy yellow-and-green Catherinette hat in honor of another spinster named Catherine who had a lot going on in the millinery department:
"How did you know I was in the Gallery?"
"How could I have missed you with such a charming brown hat?"
"I'm glad you liked it."
"It seems decidedly wrong to me that a lady of your political persuasion should be allowed to adorn herself with such a very feminine allurement. It really looks so awfully like trying to have the best of both worlds."
"Does it indeed?"
"It does."
"I am not a militant, you know, Sir Robert. I don't go about shattering glass or pouring acid down pillar boxes."
"I'm very glad to hear it. Both those activities would be highly unsuitable in that hat."

Miss Winslow is also a friend of this blog's conceit:
"What could be more absurd than you asking me permission to smoke in your own establishment."
"It is a custom, Miss Winslow."
"I indulge myself."
"Some people find that shocking."
"Amazing how little it takes to offend the world's sensibilities."

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