Sunday, January 13, 2008

Because Resolved: Put a Starbucks on every streetcorner was "too cute."

Sunday, cigarette #2
Outside the YPU office after E-Board

The Yale Political Union will meet this Tuesday evening with guest Tom Palmer. The resolution is yet to be finalized, but candidates include Resolved: Westernize the world through free trade or Resolved: Life, liberty, and property are the only human rights. (An alternate wording that was floated for the second was Resolved: Freedom from coercion is the only human right.) The last time Tom Palmer keynoted a Union debate (Resolved: The state should not provide welfare) it was a barn-burner, so I hope this can be another one.

BLEG: the Union is still putting together its guest list for the semester, so email me if you know anybody famous who likes public speaking and college students. Past guests include Daniel Pipes (Resolved: The Arab-Israeli conflict will only end when one side is defeated), Stephanie Coontz (Resolved: Women's liberation is necessary for the well-being of families), and David Friedman (Resolved: Abolish criminal law). Just don't try to reach me through the YPU officers page; the webmaster can't spell my name.

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