Thursday, July 31, 2008

Fun with nuns

From Postmodern Heretics, which one kind soul sent me for my very merry un-birthday, a description of an interview Bill Moyers did with Sister Wendy:
. . . Moyers presses on, asking whether she was offended by "Piss Christ," a work which, he claims, "denigrates the central figure of your faith." Again, she begs to differ. While advancing her opinion that Serrano is "not a very gifted young man, but he's trying to do his best," Sister Wendy absolutely refuses to see "Piss Christ" as blasphemous. Instead she reads it as an admonitionary work that attempts to say "this is what we are doing to Christ."

. . . Finally, Moyers raises the question everyone is waiting for. How can it be, he asks, that Sister Wendy feels no shock at the Western canon's immersion in nudity, lust, violence, and passion? "It wouldn't ever have occured to me to be shocked," she replies. "I'm a Catholic."

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