Saturday, September 20, 2008

"It's a documentary about weird Southern music, weird Southern religion, and how they're indistinguishable."

Speaking of theologically interesting premises, I recently came across this minute-long Youtube clip from the documentary Searching for the Wrong-Eyed Jesus, which I have posted on before. The transcript doesn't do justice to the man's Appalachian accent:
"Why can't flesh go there? Why can't flesh see spiritual things? Why did there have to be a new way made?" Flesh wants to control. Flesh wants to hold on, it wants to dominate. It wants pride. The apostle Paul said that every time I go to do good, evil is present with me... You'll listen to these songs and start going backward in time or forward in time, because the spirit is just trying to get your flesh confused so it can talk to you. Flesh cannot go to these places.
I was taking Socrates' side in the Crito against a friend of mine three years ago when he pointed to the drink in my hand. I had been trying to argue that one may break laws that demand injustice but must follow those that make unjust demands. At that moment, faced with a choice between retracting my position or making drunkenness a moral imperatve, I wish I'd had this clip handy.

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