Friday, May 16, 2008

I'm pro-multiple choice!

Quick quiz: my Taki Mag piece on "fertility films" is (a) a response to this Mother Jones article; (b) part of my ongoing campaign against the "Redemptive Woman" trope; (c) a riff on this Eve-ism:
Fun is fun, sometimes. (And sometimes it isn't.) But the more I thought about why sex would be meaningful--rather than just, you know, nice--the more I suspected that sex attains its greatest philosophical and symbolic (poetic) richness when the union of lovers creates a new life. And yet our current culture seems to view things exactly the other way around, as if sex becomes less interesting, less sexy, when it makes babies. As if the kind (or less-kind) feelings of adults toward one another were more interesting than the beginning of a new human. Bizarre!
Or (d) all of the above?

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