Wednesday, August 27, 2008


1. Izzy of Manolo for the Men doesn't care for Spain's new tactic of using dapper, top-hatted men to follow debtors around and shame them into paying up. He thinks it's an abuse of style. I think it's nice.

2. Will and Nicki liveblog the convention. "Any bets on whether the video tribute to HRC will include scenes from the Goldwater campaign?"

3. Leigh Walton gets interviewed. "If you treat your comics as newspapers from a fictional universe, there’s no reason to read them twice. Marvel and DC have essentially told their readers that any given issue is not important—it’s only important as long as it connects to this network of events, or because it contains a certain plot point, they’re creating stories that can be replaced by reading a spoiler on a blog. And when you create that type of story, you have to follow that logic to its natural end, and relish the ephemerality. Make the best piece of disposable entertainment you can! Make it look like the other kinds of disposable entertainment that we understand."

4. Nicki loves the patriarchy. "Not that all feminists hate my heels — some of third-wavers will rise to their defense. They wear makeup because they like it. They’re strong, independent, modern women, and they’ve separated the trappings of femininity from mandates about gender roles. When they dress up, they do it because it’s fun. I do it because it means something. It’s not just that I like performing some parts of femininity, but rather that these are all visible manifestations of something that goes much deeper. Feminine accoutrements become femininity; a skirt becomes a reminder, as much to myself as anyone else, of everything that goes along with being a woman."

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